Master's Degree in Human Resource Management. Psychological and Pedagogical Intervention
Academic year 2024-25
- New student profile and admission criteria
- Academic and professional goals
- Access to other study programmes and career opportunities
- Structure of the study programme
- Final Exam
- Evaluation criteria and exams
- Study programme leadership
- Composition of the Academic Committee for MRH2
- Credit Recognition and Transfer Committee for MRH2
New student profile and admission criteria
This programme is open to those who:
- Hold an official Spanish university qualification, or a different one within the European Higher Education Area valid for admission at the master's level in the country issuing the degree.
- Hold a qualification from an education system outside the European Higher Education Area, after the university verifies that said degree accredits a level of training equivalent to that attained in the corresponding official Spanish university qualification.
In accordance with the regulations and deadlines set by the University, students must formally apply to the master's degree programme before enrolling. If the number of applications exceeds the set maximum number of students, The Academic Committee for the Master's Programme (CAT) shall rank candidates based on the following two criteria:
- The average mark shown in the academic transcript submitted to apply for admission, preferably from degrees in Psychology and/or Education (60 per cent)
- The professional CV, with special emphasis given to prior scientific and/or professional activities related to the contents of the programme (human resources, team management, teacher training) (40 per cent)
The CAT may also interview applicants if it is deemed necessary.
Candidates whose applications are accepted by the Academic Committee for the Master's Programme (CAT) will be able to formalise their enrolment on the master's programme.
Academic and professional goals
This master's programme has a professional approach, and one of its main objectives is to prepare graduates so that they are able to work in human resource management in departments, teacher training in this area, and performing management tasks in educational centres. In this sense, the training offered in this programme aims to provide students with advanced, career-oriented training.
The general training objective of this programme is to offer students the skills and knowledge that will enable them to pursue a career in human resources, especially in the field of team training and management, both in public and private organisations. In addition to acquiring in-depth knowledge of the general aspects of human resource management, the course includes two pathways through which to further specialise:
- An expert in work team leadership and management is a professional who designs, directs, coordinates, boosts, implements, manages and assesses action plans, programmes and projects in terms of their leadership and with a view to improving the management and efficiency of work teams in different areas and professional settings.
- An expert in educational centre management is a professional who designs, directs, coordinates, boosts, implements, manages and assesses action plans, programmes and projects aimed at facilitating the management of educational centres, with a special emphasis on training for teaching teams. This programme aims to train experts capable of performing these tasks in a professional setting.
Access to other study programmes and career opportunities
This master's degree programme is career-oriented, and it gives access to doctoral studies. Those holding this degree may pursue a career in professional fields such as human resource management, teacher training in this area, and management of educational centres, both in public and private institutions.
The GOIB Department of Education and University recognises, for students holding the Master's Degree in Human Resources, all the core and specific modules of the Management Development Programme, except for the Project Management module, in compliance with Royal Decree 894/2014, of 17th October (
Structure of the study programme
The programme consists of 60 ECTS credits to be taught over one academic year. Students may choose one of two pathways: Direction and Management of Work Teams, and Management of Educational Centres.
You may consult the curriculum in the Subjects section for this programme.
Credit recognition protocol
Credit recognition for the MRH2 is subject to the general credit recognition criteria at the UIB. For further information, please see the Procedures - Credit transfer and recognition system section.
In addition, for this master's we have a set of equivalences between the previous and current versions of the programme, as well as for the Practical Placements subject:
1. Table of equivalences between the two versions of the Master's Degree in Human Resource Management: version 1 (MGRH) and version 2 (MRH2)
MGRH | MRH2 | ||||
Code | Subject name | Credits | Code | Subject name | Credits |
10552 | Social Behaviour in Public Healthcare Organisations | 5 | 10552 | Social Behaviour in Public Healthcare Organisations | 5 |
10557 | Training in Social and Communication Skills for Health Professionals | 5 | 10557 | Training in Social and Communication Skills for Health Professionals | 5 |
10644 | Practical Placements | 5 | 11027 | Practical Placements | 8 |
10687 | Gender, Work and Education | 5 | 10687 | Gender, Work and Education | 5 |
10712 | Human Resource Planning and Managing Processes | 5 | 10712 | Human Resource Planning and Managing Processes | 5 |
10714 | Intervention in Organisations: Groups and Work Teams | 2 | 11023 | Creating and Managing Working Groups | 5 |
10715 | Leadership and Team Management | 2 | |||
10716 | Introduction to Economics | 1,5 | 10716 | Introduction to Economics | 1,5 |
10717 | Planning of Training | 2,5 | 11024 | Planning and Managing of Training | 2,5 |
10718 | Training Management | 2,5 | 11025 | Training Needs Analysis | 2,5 |
10720 | Uses and Abuses of Statistics | 5 | 10720 | Uses and Abuses of Statistics | 5 |
10721 | Introduction to Data Mining. Extraction of Hidden Information in Data | 5 | 10721 | Introduction to Data Mining. Extraction of Hidden Information in Data | 5 |
10722 | Psychometric Techniques in Validating Constructs | 5 | 10722 | Psychometric Techniques in Validating Constructs | 5 |
10723 | Processes, Strategies and Techniques Involved in Team Performance | 5 | 10723 | Processes, Strategies and Techniques Involved in Team Performance | 5 |
10724 | Intervention in Team Conflicts and Intervention | 5 | 10724 | Intervention in Team Conflicts and Negotiation | 5 |
10725 | Teacher Trainer Profile, Competencies and Functions | 2,5 | 10725 | Teacher Trainer Profile, Competencies and Functions | 2,5 |
10726 | The Teacher Trainer Profession | 2,5 | 10726 | The Teacher Trainer Profession | 2,5 |
10727 | Management Functions | 2,5 | 10727 | Management Functions | 2,5 |
10728 | Pedagogical Functions | 2,5 | 10728 | Pedagogical Functions | 2,5 |
10729 | PROJECT | 6 | 11026 | Master's Thesis (passed 2017-18) | 7 |
2. Work experience recognition for the Practical Placements subject.
Final Exam
Master's Thesis presentation and public viva defence.
Evaluation criteria and exams
In general, assessment is continuous and comprises both in-class and online activities. The assessment criteria for each subject are published each year in the course guides, which are availabe in the Subjects section.