Master's Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Research

Academic year 2024-25

You can also consult this information for the academic year 2023-24.
Branch of Knowledge Social and Legal Sciences
Area of Knowledge Physical Activity and Sports Science.
Academic management
The centre's academic calendar
Spots for new students
Credits 60
Teaching method



Campus Mallorca
Catalan, Spanish, English (See subjects for more details)
Price Public price per credit, 1st registration 30,01¤
Total cost: 1.854,67 ¤ (*)(**)
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  (*) Price applicable to citizens of member states of the European Union and Spanish residents. In all other cases, a 30% increase is applied ( more information about proof of residency ).
The cost column is solely illustrative, because both taxes or discounts can apply
(**) Additional information about price

The Master’s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science Research aims to round out the learning of students who wish to orient their professional future towards research and its later practical application in scientific fields linked to physical activity and sports science. The training will provide a response to the demands arising from sociocultural and economic transformations at local and global level, which require support with a comprehensive perspective.

At present, there is ongoing focus on physical activity and sports science. Factors such as the impact of stress, a sedentary lifestyle or the increase in illnesses linked to a lack of physical activity require a change in how physical activity is addressed at school age, as well as interventions related to physical activity in society. The best way to provide value added for society is through highly qualified professionals who, thanks to applied research in physical activity and sports science, are able to generate further scientific knowledge and, thus, improve practice and policy linked to physical activity and sport.

Collaboration between similar knowledge areas involved in this programme will create synergies that are able to widen the perspective of all professionals, when it comes to dealing with the many complex situations in the world of physical activity and sports science. A master’s programme in this knowledge area has huge social importance as it enables research results to be incorporated into the educational, social and business spheres. The programme will complement and be a specific entry pathway for the area of research into physical education on the university’s PhD in Education programme.


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