Enrolment Support
Academic Queries
It is essential you clear up any academic queries regarding subjects before enrolling (schedule, assessment, etc.), especially if you are taking a pathway or specialisation. Moreover, you should clarify any questions regarding your master's thesis viva and placements, where applicable.
The relevant master's website includes all this information, as well as a contact form for the corresponding master's programme coordinator— just click on the person's name to submit a query.
Administrative Queries, Enrolment App, Admission, etc.
If you have any queries or questions, please contact the Centre for Postgraduate Studies <postgrau@uib.cat> or fill in the contact form.
If you need to carry out any procedure in-person at the Centre for Postgraduate Studies, you will need to book an appointment.
Please view our opening hours and telephone numbers.
During the initial enrolment period (2nd-5th and 29th-31st July; 10-11th October), our support team will be available over the phone from 9 am to 2 pm and 4 to 9 pm to deal with any enquiries and issues you may have.
The support line number is: 971 17 23 23.
Technical Assistance Points
Technical assistance points will be available at the entrance of the Mateu Orfila i Rotger, Ramon Llull, Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, Guillem Cifre de Colonya and Arxiduc Lluís Salvador buildings to solve any doubts you may have throughout the academic year. This includes connecting to the Wi-Fi network on your mobile and setting up access to virtual desktops on your laptop, as well as receiving support to request digital certificates and in computer rooms.