Academic Progress and Maximum Enrolments (Additional Enrolment) on Master's Programmes

Academic Progress

Minimum Credits to Be Passed

In order to continue on master's programmes: 

  • Full-time students must pass at least 24 credits in their first year
  • Students with specific enrolment status must pass at least 6 credits in their first year.

What Happens if You Fail

Students who fail the minimum number of credits will not be able to re-enrol for the same programme for two academic years.

Request to Remain on the Programme

Master's students who fail the set minimum number of credits have a single opportunity to submit a reasoned request to remain on the programme. The request must include the relevant supporting documents for any of the following circumstances:

  1. A serious illness suffered by students or their family members (up to second degree relatives or similar)   
  2. A disability recognised by the Dependent Care Service at the Government of the Balearic Islands or similar body   
  3. Significant distress in family finances   
  4. A new employment contract or major change to employment conditions   
  5. Being a victim of gender-based violence   
  6. Any other exceptional circumstance.  

Please see the full information regarding this procedure.

Maximum Number of Enrolments

Students are allowed a maximum of four ordinary enrolments in order to pass a subject.

Master's students who have enrolled four times for a subject and not yet been awarded a pass mark may request an additional enrolment from programme coordinators to re-enrol for a further year.