Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering
Academic year 2023-24
You may also view this information for the 2022-23 academic year.
Branch of Knowledge | Engineering and Architecture |
Area of Knowledge | Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automation Engineering, Industrial Organisation Engineering and Nautical Engineering |
Academic management | Dr. Victor Martínez Moll |
The centre's academic calendar | |
Spots for new students |
30 |
Credits | 120 |
Teaching method | Presencial |
Campus | Mallorca |
Language | Catalan/Spanish ( See subjects for more details ) |
Price | Public price per credit, 1st registration 15,63¤ Total cost: 1.929,67 ¤ (*)(**) |
Shortcuts to |
(*) Price applicable to citizens of member states of the European Union and Spanish
In all other cases, a 30% increase is applied
( more information about proof of residency ).
The cost column is solely illustrative, because both taxes or discounts can apply
Additional information about price
The proposed programme complies with Order CIN/311/2009 of 9th February 2009 that sets out the requirements to verify official university degrees which authorise holders to work as Industrial Engineers. The Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering aims to further develop the knowledge acquired on undergraduate programmes within the same field, striving to provide the advanced multidisciplinary training required to work as an Industrial Engineer. The Industrial Engineer profession is of paramount importance to most Spanish industry. Therefore, graduates are very likely to become leaders in both SMEs and large companies, playing a prominent role in the country. In addition, graduates can also make substantial contributions to industrial systems in other countries.
Therefore, the training attained by Industrial Engineers must enable them to work as engineers, business entrepreneurs, administrators, advisors/consultants, and scientific and technical researchers.
What skills will you acquire?
- Tenir coneixements adequats dels aspectes científics i tecnològics de: mètodes matemàtics, analítics i numèrics en l'enginyeria, enginyeria elèctrica, enginyeria energètica, enginyeria química, enginyeria mecànica, mecànica de mitjans continus, electrònica industrial, automàtica, fabricació, materials, mètodes quantitatius de gestió, informàtica industrial, urbanisme, infraestructures, etc. Projectar, calcular i dissenyar productes, processos, instal·lacions i plantes.
- Dirigir, planificar i supervisar equips multidisciplinaris.
- Realitzar recerca, desenvolupament i innovació en productes, processos i mètodes.
- Realitzar la planificació estratègica i aplicar-la a sistemes tant constructius com de producció, de qualitat i de gestió mediambiental.
- Aplicar els coneixements adquirits i resoldre problemes en entorns nous o poc coneguts dins de contextos més amplis i multidisciplinaris.
- Gestionar tècnicament i econòmicament projectes, instal·lacions, plantes, empreses i centres tecnològics.
- Poder exercir funcions de direcció general, direcció tècnica i direcció de projectes R+D+I en plantes, empreses i centres tecnològics.
- Ser capaç d'integrar coneixements i enfrontar-se a la complexitat de formular judicis a partir d'una informació que, sent incompleta o limitada, inclogui reflexions sobre les responsabilitats socials i ètiques vinculades a l'aplicació dels seus coneixements i judicis.
- Saber comunicar les conclusions -i els coneixements i raons últimes que les sustenten- a públics especialitzats i no especialitzats d'una manera clara i sense ambigüitats.
- Posseir les habilitats d'aprenentatge que permetin continuar estudiant d'una manera autodirigida o autònoma.
- Coneixement, comprensió i capacitat per aplicar la legislació necessària en l'exercici de la professió d'Enginyer Industrial.
What career opportunities will you have?
The master’s degree programme proposed in this report enables holders to work as Industrial Engineers, a profession which is regulated by Ministerial Order CIN/311/2009. Therefore, this is the only programme that provides the professional attributes required of professionals within this field. According to various reports from both public and private organisations, Industrial Engineers are some of the most sought after professionals in Spanish businesses. Possible job opportunities include the following:
- Project engineering
- SME engineers
- Designing and regulating machinery
- Commercial engineering
- Quality control
- Power plants
- Industrial engineering and robotics
- Engineering for large facilities
- Technical departments
- Industrial facilities design and engineering
- Managing and directing R&D&i projects
- Civil servants or employees in any administrative body having to do with industrial engineering or innovation.
Many companies in the industrial sector in our region have shown an interest in the profile of the master's students, signing educational collaboration agreements with the UIB to host them on placement programmes and/or incorporating them into their workforce. The firms are linked to the electrical, installations/facilities, construction, hospitality sectors, etc. By way of example of the industrial infrastructure surrounding the master's programme, these companies include: Enovam Pro Energy Effiency SL, Robot SA, Melià Hotels international SA, Urbia Intermediación Ingeniería y Servicios SA, Redexis Gas SA, Integrated Circuits Malaga SL, Ferrovial Servicios SA, Spark Ibérica SAU, Empresa Municipal d’Aigues i Clavegueram (EMAYA) SA, Zert Ingenieria y Arquitectura SL, Cemex España Operaciones SLU, Schindler SA, Hundredrooms SL, Eléctrica Puicercós SAU, Wireless DNA, SL, 20coolpillows SL, Baixa Tensió SL, Alcort Ingeniería y Asesoría SL, Elecnor SA, Instaladora Imaber SL, Hotelbeds Group SLU, Hemisphere Coating Services SL, Balantia Consultores SL.
High-quality official study
Legislation requires that official Spanish degree programmes receive a positive assessment from the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA, by its Spanish acronym). This process is known as verification, and it serves to ensure that education programmes are properly designed to provide the competencies and reach the learning goals around which the programmes are built. In the results you can find reports on official study programmes.
The European Higher Education Area requires that there be a system in place to ensure the quality of degree programmes .
The Master's programme is subject to constant assessment and improvement processes that guarantee that it maintains a certain level of prestige and renown in Europe. You can see the results of the assessment processes in the section on quality .